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Translational Science Benefits Model Profiles

ITHS Translational Science Benefits Model Impact Profiles

See below for an explanation of the Translational Science Benefits Model.

Translational Science Benefits Model

The Translational Science Benefits Model (TSBM) is intended to provide benchmarks to assess the impact of research that applies scientific findings to enhance public health and well-being.

The model identifies benefits of clinical and translational research in four areas:

  • Clinical and Medical Benefits (Procedures & guidelines, Tools & products)
  • Community and Public Health Benefits (Health activities & products, Health care characteristics, Health promotion)
  • Economic Benefits (Commercial products, Financial savings & benefits)
  • Policy and Legislative Benefits (Advisory activities, Policies & legislation)
TSBM legend blue palette-01

paper explaining the development of the framework was published September 8, 2017 in Clinical and Translational Science.

The profiles above were developed using The Translational Science Benefits Model and Translating for Impact Toolkit © 2017-2023, created by the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis and available at, is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)