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Do I need to publish my research or present it at a national meeting?

No, publication or and/or external presentation is not a requirement to successfully complete the CTR pathway. Research can follow very different timelines based upon the particulars of a project, many of which are beyond the student’s control. The primary goal of the CTR pathway is to provide education to the student through designing and completing a research project. While the scientific results of the project are also important, they are a secondary goal for the pathway. You will be expected to prepare an abstract of your work for submission to the Western Student and Resident Medical Research Forum (WSMRF) or an equivalent external meeting at the direction of your project mentor and, if accepted, you will present your work. You will also present your research internally at the III poster session, an oral presentation at Transition to Residency, and a manuscript of “publication quality” as deemed by the CTR pathway faculty.

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