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Networking to Enhance Development

NED 2023

May 18 | Seattle, WA

Networking to Enhance Development 2023

In-Person Only | Thursday, May 18

The annual Networking to Enhance Development (NED) Conference is a free professional development mini-conference for and by research coordinators held in Seattle. Participation in NED allows research coordinators to develop contacts, share ideas, and learn from peers.

This year we return to an in-person only conference on Thursday, May 18. We have enjoyed holding NED virtually the past two years and look forward to this in-person opportunity for coordinators and other research staff gather and learn together.

The NED Conference is organized by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences and is a collaboration between the University of Washington, Fred Hutch, and Seattle Children’s.

We have archived previous years’ conference materials at the main NED page.

Event Details

DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023

TIME: 11:30am–6:00pm Pacific

Main NED Conference: UW Husky Union Building (HUB) Rooms 332 & 334 (4001 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195)
ITHS Expo: wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House (4249 Whitman Court, Seattle, WA 98195)

This Year’s Event

Join us at the UW HUB to connect with your peers to learn tools for your research career through our keynote session Equitable Access to Research, delivered by Allison Larimore, MSN, RN, CCRN. Following the keynote, we will have two 45-minute rounds of concurrent breakout sessions for attendees to join on the topics of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Research Recruitment; Managing Up; Mental Resilience; and Reducing Study Staff Burden with REDCap. Box lunches will be provided.

After the breakouts, we will transition to the ITHS Expo at Intellectual House (~10min walk from HUB) for poster presentations from ITHS researchers and research service partners and offices, as well as additional networking opportunities with the broader research community.

NED 2023 Keynote Speaker
Allison Larimore, MSN, RN, CCRN

Event Agenda


and Boxed Lunches

HUB 332/334


Welcome and Overview

HUB 332/334


Keynote Address

HUB 332/334



HUB 332/334


Breakout Session Round 1

HUB 332/334



HUB 332/334


Breakout Session Round 2

HUB 332/334


Breakout Shareback

HUB 332/334


Closing Statements and Door Prizes

HUB 332/334


Transition to ITHS Expo at Intellectual House

UW Campus


ITHS Expo Poster Session & Networking

Intellectual House


NED and Expo Adjourn

Intellectual House

Register for NED 2023

Registration will be open from April 24 at 8am PDT through April 30 at 11:59pm PDT.

If you have any questions about NED, please contact Aric Lane.