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Networking to Enhance Development

NED 2022

A Path Towards Thriving

Networking to Enhance Development 2022

Virtual Session: Thursday, February 17, 2022

The annual Research Coordinator Networking to Enhance Development (NED) Conference is usually a free, day‐long professional development conference for and by research coordinators held in Seattle. Participation in NED allows research coordinators to develop contacts, share ideas, and learn from peers.

While an in-person conference is not possible in early 2022, ITHS will be offering a virtual 120-minute interactive session on Thursday, February 17. We wanted to make sure coordinators and other research staff have the opportunity to interact and learn together, especially in the face of the ongoing health crisis. In fact, the theme of this year’s NED is A Path Towards Thriving with a keynote session on “Resilience and Well-Being: Building Strength for the Road Ahead.”

The NED Conference is organized by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences and is a collaboration between the University of Washington, Fred Hutch, and Seattle Children’s.

We have archived previous years’ conference materials at the main NED page.

This Year’s Event

The COVID-19 pandemic made it imperative for everyone to adapt to many facets of life including the way we work and connect with others. This year we know that research coordinators have had many challenges and new realities to address alongside existing responsibilities and workloads. We hope this session creates opportunity to interact, learn, and foster community.

Join us on Thursday, February 17, 2022, 11:00am-1:00pm PST, to connect with your peers to learn tools for resilience, self-compassion, and well-being in your research career through our keynote session “Resilience and Well-Being: Building Strength for the Road Ahead,” delivered by Anne Browning, PhD, Assistant Dean for Well-Being, UW School of Medicine.

Following the keynote, we will have one 45min round of concurrent interactive and facilitated breakout sessions for attendees to join on the topics of eConsent & REDCap and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Download the NED 2022 agenda:
167 KBNED 2022 Agenda

NED 2022 Keynote Speaker
Anne Browning, PhD
Assistant Dean for Well-Being,
UW School of Medicine

Breakout Moderators

eConsent and REDCap

Claudia Flores, RN, BSN, CCRC
Nurse Clinical Research Manager,
Providence Medical Research Center

Susan Hood, PhD, CCRC
Regulatory Specialist,
Providence Medical Research Center

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Cherese Pullum, MS, RN, PhDc, CCRC
Director, Research Nursing and Clinical Research Support Cores,
Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Debra Boyd-Seale, PhD, RN
Consumer Safety Officer,
Food and Drug Administration, Office of Biomedical Research

Register for NED 2022

Registration for NED 2022 closed on February 14. Everyone who registered and those admitted from the waiting list should have received connection information via email.

If you have any questions about NED, please contact Aric Lane.