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Networking to Enhance Development 2021

Spring Session: Friday, April 23

The annual Research Coordinator Networking to Enhance Development (NED) Conference is usually a free, day‐long professional development conference for and by research coordinators held in Seattle. Participation in NED allows research coordinators to develop contacts, share ideas, and learn from peers.

While an in-person conference is impossible in early 2021, ITHS will be offering a virtual 90-minute interactive session on Friday, April 23, with the another similar session in the works for fall. We wanted to make sure coordinators and other research staff had the chance to network and learn together, especially in the face of the ongoing health crisis. In fact, the theme of this year’s NED is Pearls of Pandemic Wisdom.

The NED Conference is organized by the Institute of Translational Health Sciences and is a collaboration between the University of Washington, Fred Hutch, and Seattle Children’s.

We have archived previous years’ conference materials at the main NED page.

Spring Session

The COVID-19 pandemic made it imperative for everyone to adapt to many facets of life including the way we work and connect with others.

In the spirit of growth and renewal, this spring session aims to bring colleagues together to reflect on the changes that emerged from our drastically modified work-life and how those changes will be carried forward as the pandemic era unfolds.

Join us on Friday, April 23, 12-1:30pm PDT, to connect with your peers to share stories and lessons learned that will help re-anchor ourselves to what’s still possible in the new year.

Spring NED session leader
Kersten Brinkworth, CCRA

Register for NED Spring 2021

Registration will be open from March 23-April 19.

If you have any questions about NED, please contact Aric Lane.