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Grant Writing Nuggets

scientist's arm holding out lit lightbulb to swap with money being held out by another arm

Grant Writing Nuggets

January 27, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 2:05 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
On-Line Event
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Aric Lane


This session will discuss grant writing skills through a focus on proposal preparation, writing strategies, and pre-proposal timeline. At the end of the session, attendees will have acquired strategies for preparing and submitting a proposal.

Schedule of activities

  • 1:00-1:03pm – Welcome/Introduction
  • 1:03-2:03pm – Presentation and Q&A
  • 2:03-2:05pm – Thank You and Feedback Survey

Learning objectives

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the four main components of proposal preparation
  • List three strategies to strengthen writing approaches for a grant proposal
  • Describe the three phases of a proposal pre-submission timeline

About the speaker

Dr. Nora DisisNora Disis, MD
Associate Dean, Translational Science
University of Washington School of Medicine
Professor of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Helen B. Slonaker Endowed Professor for Cancer Research
University of Washington
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Dr. Nora Disis is the Director of UW Medicine’s Cancer Vaccine Institute. Her research interest is in the discovery of new molecular immunologic targets in solid tumors for the development of vaccine and cellular therapy for the treatment and prevention of common malignancies. In addition, her group evaluates the use of the immune system to aid in the diagnosis of cancer and develops novel assays and approaches to quantitate and characterize human immunity. She holds several patents in the field of targeted cancer immunotherapy and immune-based diagnostics.

Dr. Disis is a member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. She holds a leadership award from the Komen for the Cure Foundation and is an American Cancer Society Clinical Professor. Dr. Disis is the Editor-in-Chief of JAMA Oncology.

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