04 Jun 2019 Boot Camp Registrants
Entry Date | Last | First | Email address | Select your track | Payment Type | Institution | Phone | Appointment | Role | Degrees | Department | Position/Title | How many years have you been working in clinical research? | What prior experience do you have as an investigator for clinical trials? | What types of clinical research have you been involved in? | What have been your primary tasks? | Other primary task(s) | How did you hear about the event? | You selected "other". Please let us know how you heard about the event. | Registration ID | Entry ID | User |
Entry Date | Last | First | Email address | Select your track | Payment Type | Institution | Phone | Appointment | Role | Degrees | Department | Position/Title | How many years have you been working in clinical research? | What prior experience do you have as an investigator for clinical trials? | What types of clinical research have you been involved in? | What have been your primary tasks? | Other primary task(s) | How did you hear about the event? | You selected "other". Please let us know how you heard about the event. | Registration ID | Entry ID | User |