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Conversion Support for Zipline Applications

Conversion Support for Zipline Applications

The ITHS Research Coordination Center (RCC) is offering fee-based assistance to investigators who need to convert their existing University of Washington Human Subjects Division paper-based studies to the new UW Zipline application so it can be submitted as a new study application in Zipline.

The ITHS RCC aims to provide timely and efficient help to research teams who are required to convert to Zipline. Please visit the Zipline webpage if you are unsure of when you need to convert your study.

Steps Required to Convert to Zipline

Steps Required to Convert to Zipline

If you engage ITHS to convert your Institutional Review Board application to the Zipline system, then the following steps will occur.

  1. We will work closely with your study team to identify information needed to complete the conversion process.
  2. We  will complete the conversion application smart form and other supplements.
  3. We will upload relevant study documents to the Zipline system.
  4. We will submit the completed conversion study documents in the Zipline system.
  5. We will be available for follow-up questions from administrative staff and IRB members.
Intake Information

You will need to provide the following information for intake purposes during your initial contact with us.

  1. The HSD number and committee assignment (i.e., HSD #55555 B).
  2. Expiration date of the IRB approval.
  3. A copy of the most recently approved status report packet (if applicable).
  4. The current number of approved modifications made to the IRB application since initial approval. You do not need to send copies of the modifications at this time.
  5. A copy of the initial approved IRB application packet.
  6. The name and contact information for the person who can answer questions about the study and IRB approval history.
Conversion Requirements

Conversion Requirements

Requirements for a smooth conversion to Zipline include the following:

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) should contact ITHS a minimum of eight to 12 weeks before the IRB expiration date. If you contact ITHS less than six weeks prior to study expiration, then it is possible you may experience a lapse in IRB approval.
  • The PI or a knowledgeable research staff need to be available and responsive by phone or email to ITHS staff. ITHS will collect information about what study activities have been completed and which are still pending or in progress to ensure accurate information is provided to HSD during the conversion process.
  • The time involved to convert a paper-based IRB application will vary based on the complexity of the study, the risk level involved, and other factors. We estimate a single study conversion should take 20 to 40 hours total to complete. As a result, please plan accordingly for the time it may take to submit your conversion application.
  • The PI will need to register in Zipline if he or she has not already done so. Please see the HSD instructions for registering in Zipline.
  • The PI will need to add the ITHS staff member as a new study team member and designate the ITHS staff member as a one time “PI Proxy” in order to submit the conversion to the Zipline system. Once the study has been approved, the PI will need to remove the ITHS staff member from the role of “PI Proxy” to ensure the study team continues to receive their Zipline communications. To learn more about assigning a proxy, please visit the tutorial page on the Human Subjects Division website.
  • The study team should make all documents related to the IRB approved study available to ITHS staff. We suggest electronic versions for convenience but understand that this may not be possible for all study teams. Most information will be collected at the time of initial intake while other study documents may be requested at a later time, if necessary.
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