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Sean Mooney, PhD

Sean Mooney, PhD

Sean Mooney, PhD

Dr. Sean Mooney is the Chief Research Information Officer (CRIO) of UW Medicine, the Director of Informatics for the Institute of Translational Health Sciences, an Associate Director of the National Alzheimers Coordinating Center (NACC), and a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education at the University of Washington. As CRIO, he leads the growing Research Information Technology team that contributes to a number of national research networks the National Kidney Precision Medicine Project, the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center, the UW Clear Center and others. Some notable efforts include leading the team that developed the open source Leaf application for clinical data querying and extraction, managed a REDCap instance with >25k projects and >15k active users, managing the FH, UW and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance joint CTMS application, and enhancing the UW Medicine EDW with advanced analytics including NLP.  Currently he is focusing on developing an Epic EHR Research team for supporting research in the EHR at UW Medicine and leading the newly founded UW Institute for Medical Data Science.

His research interests focus on data science applications in biomedicine, particularly in understanding the underlying molecular causes of inherited genetic diseases and cancer. Over his career he has been on the faculty at the Indiana University, the University of Washington and the Buck Institute and has taught at Stanford University, UCSF, and the University of California Berkeley.  He is an expert in a wide range of STEM fields, having been trained in chemistry and computer science, and appointed at different times in his career as a faculty member in many areas including genetics, microbial biology, informatics, and gerontology.  A prolific speaker, he has given more than 150 invited seminars throughout the world.

Dr. Mooney is a 4th generation Seattleite and in his spare time he is found in the outdoors having climbed Mt. Rainier and Mt. Baker and has bicycled across the United States twice.