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New Study Recruitment Site Launched to Support Local Research

New Study Recruitment Site Launched to Support Local Research

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences announced today the launch of Participate in Research, a new website that supports health sciences research study recruitment. The site, which was built in partnership with the Office of Research and Graduate Education at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine, is intended to meet the needs of local researchers who have been lacking this resource since a previous UW site was retired.

“Research studies that do not meet enrollment often fail to contribute to medical knowledge, meaning that participants were potentially exposed to risks without realization of benefits,” said Dr. Mary L. (Nora) Disis, Principal Investigator of ITHS and Associate Dean for Translational Science in the UW School of Medicine. “The launch of this website will help address the challenges researchers face in meeting enrollment goals by providing a centralized, coordinated resource to connect with potential study participants.”

The registration process for new research studies is free, open to any researcher with a UW NetID, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The process requires entry of study information, study team contacts, Institutional Review Board approval dates, enrollment projections, and basic demographics. Once a study is approved to post, which usually occurs within one business day, the research team can be contacted directly by potential participants who visit the recruitment site.

“By using this site, researchers will be able to increase the visibility of their studies without adding any costs to their budgets,” said Dr. Disis. “We look forward to working with the local research community to make this site a success.”

Please visit to post a new study for free. ITHS site administrators are available via email at to answer any questions or if support is needed to get started.