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RoMP Ethics Study Project Videos Released

RoMP Ethics Study Project Videos Released

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences announced today the release of the three videos that have been developed to support the study, “Attitudes about the Ethics of Research on Medical Practices (RoMP).” The RoMP ethics study, which is a collaboration between ITHS and Spectrum at Stanford University, is assessing the ethical implications of the use of randomization within clinical settings to examine standard medical practice interventions.

The three videos cover the following topics:

  • “Which Medication is Best?”—Explores the both influences on variation in usual medical practice as well as doctor’s uncertainty about usual medical practice.
  • “Research on Medical Practices”—Presents topics related to medical record review, randomization, and randomization of clinics and hospitals.
  • “Informing or Asking”—Describes topics related to general information, verbal permission, and written agreement.

These three videos can be accessed via the RoMP website,, or via the ITHS YouTube channel.