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Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions Network

Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions (PCI) Network

The Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions (PCI) Network (formerly the RC2 Network) connects diverse populations to local, high-quality clinical research by building research partnerships between investigators and community-based clinicians. Through these partnerships, patients can participate in and benefit from research studies near their homes, and clinicians and health care administrators can collaborate on research studies with minimal interruptions to clinical operations and facilitate research conducted in real-world health care settings.

The NW PCI Network is a collaboration of regional translational research hubs located across the five-state WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region. NW PCI Network clinical sites can participate in research studies involving inpatient, specialty and primary care services, health services research, drug and device trials, and other types of clinical research.

What We Do

What We Do

The NW PCI Network is dedicated to building successful research collaborations between its members and investigators. The NW PCI also seeks to expand the capacity for investigator-initiated research across participating institutions.

Hospitals and health systems participate in the NW PCI Network because:

  • Research proposals are scientifically vetted, and align with priority topic areas and clinical needs as determined by the NW PCI member sites
  • Alleviating the clinical site burden during the grant development process through coordination by the NW PCI Coordinating Center enables busy clinicians to more easily participate in research
  • Access to training and mentorship for investigators and clinicians facilitates stronger research partnerships
  • Patients can participate in high-quality research conducted near their homes.

Investigators often come to the NW PCI when they are:

  • Looking for sites and additional participants for an investigator- or industry-sponsored clinical research study.
  • Looking to facilitate future research collaborations by establishing long-term partnerships between health care organizations and their research center or institute.
  • Interested in conducting their research with diverse populations in community-based settings.

Read more about the work of the NW PCI in our Executive Summary:

661 KBExpanding Access to High Quality Clinical and Translational Research:
A Summary of Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions Network Efforts and Impacts 2013-2023


The NW PCI is currently open to hospitals and health systems in the WWAMI region that are interested in collaborating on research studies with peer institutions and investigators. By joining the NW PCI, you can:

  • Have a voice in setting research priorities
  • Expand the breadth and availability of research conducted in your facilities to include more investigator-initiated studies
  • Work with peer institutions to identify and address barriers that impact research in community-based hospitals and health systems
  • Collaborate on investigator-initiated research with minimal interruption to clinical care
  • Connect with investigators and peer institutions through networking and professional development opportunities
  • Gain experience in the development and conduct of federally funded research studies
How to Join

How to Join

NW PCI Network membership is open to hospitals and health systems located in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho that are currently involved or interested in research. There are no membership fees or legal commitments, and your institution decides when to participate in any research study.

To learn more about joining the NW PCI, please complete the “Contact Us” form below.

Contact Us / Request Membership

Contact Us / Request Membership

To learn more about NW PCI, please contact us via the following form.