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ITHS Supplements Evaluation Metrics with Value Judgments

ITHS Supplements Evaluation Metrics with Value Judgments

craig-scottEvaluation & the Health Professions recently published a journal article written by a group of Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) faculty and staff describing ITHS’ hybrid approach to program evaluation.

The authors, led by Dr. Craig S. Scott (pictured), detailed their rationale for focusing on the eight evaluative elements of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Health Services Assessment Model along with the standard elements of the Kellogg Logic Model (KLM).

The paper describes the relationship between the two models, the rationale for supplementing ITHS evaluations by attending to the WHO evaluative elements and for promoting the combined KLM/WHO approach, and plans for further developing KLM/WHO assessments within the ITHS and nationally.

“This initial work has helped to provide broader perspectives on ITHS resources and services,” said Dr. Scott. “The goal of this measurement framework is to enable the ITHS to more directly assess the value that its resources, services, and projects add to translational research outcomes.”

The eight WHO evaluative elements are relevance, adequacy, efficiency, effectiveness, process, impact, equity, and sustainability. The paper includes questions for each WHO element that are designed to help elicit value judgments from service and resource users about the extent to which the ITHS adds value to their research efforts.

An abstract and full-text version of the article can be found by visiting Sage Journals.

Reference: Scott CS, Nagasawa PR, Abernethy NF, Ramsey BW, Martin PJ, Hacker BM, Schwartz HD, Brock DM, Robins LS, Wolf FM, Carter-Dubois M, Disis ML. “Expanding Assessments of Translational Research Programs: Supplementing Metrics with Value Judgments.” Eval Health Prof. 37(1) 2014, 83-97.